interview #4

Dana Yetsye Nava Cruz

-Interviewer: Hello!

-Dana: Hello!

-Interviewer: tell me, what's your name and age?

-Dana: My name Is Dana Yetsye Nava Cruz, I am 14 years old

-Interviewer: so, tell me, Dana, Where are you from?

-Dana: I Am From Emiliano Zapata

-Interviewer: What is your occupation?

-Dana: I am an artist

-Interviewer: What do you do in your job?

-Dana: I make drawing commissions for people who pay me 

-Interviewer: What tools do you use or need to do your job?

-Dana: Well, I need my phone, my graphic drawing tablet, pencils, my sketchbook, and other drawing material.

- Interviewer: What do you like About your Job?

-Dana: One thing I like about my job is drawing 

-Interviewer: Is there anything you don't like about your job?

-Dana: Yes, I don't like to draw what I don't want to draw.

-Interviewer: Do you need to study at a university to do what you do?

-Dana: not necessarily, but if you want to be a professional, yes  

-interviewer: How easy o difficult is it to find a job in what you do?

-Dana: Not because anyone can study

Interviewer: Is your job something we can keep For The Future or is there A tendency For It To Disappear?

-Dana: I think maybe it will disappear because of artificial intelligence. 

-Interviewer: Is there anything special or different from other jobs that invites young people to do what you do?

-Dana: in fact, you can work doing commissions at any age only with adult supervision and you know how to draw. 

-Interviewer: How does your work help or impact our community?

-Dana: I think my work helps people who have an idea in their minds but their limitations don't allow them to express it 100%.

 -Interviewer: well, thanks for letting me interview you.

-Dana: yes, there is no need, 

-Interviewer: bye

-Dana: bye



Fuentes bibliograficas:

Wikipedia contributors. (s/f). Wikipedia:Portada. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.
